Storage Servers

Storage Server Solutions

Building a network storage base in today's culture includes meeting myriad challenges, such as performance, optimization and noise control. Group Canada Consulting provides intelligent solutions to satisfy the highest criteria for dynamic business workplaces.

Storage Server Functions

The three primary functions of storage servers include:

  • Working File Backup Database server
  • SharePoint workgroup server
  • Microsoft High Availability System

Additionally, RAID5 Security and Access Monitoring file auditing alerts you when a user has accessed a document.

Benefits of a Clean Computer Room

It is essential to have a practical and functional computer room where everything is in order. It allows you to quickly find the necessary devices.


All data is shared on five discs, which provides a large storage capacity. If there is a failure, a disc can be changed without stopping the system.

Contact Us For More Details

To learn more details about our storage servers, contact us today at 514-261-5658. You can also reach us by email.