AIS Network solutions are customized to meet business needs to provide comprehensive coverage in a designed area, such as PSS and LSS modules.
AIS Service Management (ASM) supports any network topology and is used for monitoring and configuring operator interfaces. One or more Logical Shore Stations (LSS) and Physical Shore Stations (PSS) compose an NCIT AIS Network. Here at Group Canada Consulting (GCC), our AIS network solutions are custom tailored to meet your business needs.
Data from a PSS can be locally processed in an LSS before routing it to a central service. Alternatively, information from all network LSS can be sent without any prior processing or routing. In fact, it can be sent directly to an entirely different LSS. Links can be made through any mixture of LAN, WAN or phone lines. Other possible services include VTS integration and Internet access.
The AIS Network interface provides comprehensive coverage in a specified area. System modules interface with and assist in ensuring the highest possible level of security and efficiency for Internet traffic and allow for dynamic redistribution and filtering of AIS data to external systems. Following are examples of system modules provided by GCC.
All of the conventional AIS communications are supported, such as static data, texts, position reports and safety-related messages. The AIS Database also authorizes local accountability designations through the AIS database operator interface.
When you are ready to explore a secure and confidential AIS Network, the team of experts at Group Canada Consulting is ready to assist. Regardless of the business enterprise you operate, regulatory compliance guarantees a standard of hosting solutions. Contact us at 514-261-5658. You can also email us for more details or with specific questions and a professional will respond to you quickly.